Month: December 1996

You May Get What You Pray For

It's possible to have a fat wallet and a skinny soul. Psalm 106 is a poetic description of the Israelites' inward poverty despite their outward wealth.

No Record Of Wrongs

A couple living in rural Kiowa, Colorado, has called the noise hotline for the new Denver International Airport more than 1,400 times to complain about jets passing over their home. They have informed airport officials that they won't quit calling until the flight path is changed.

Pushed Beyond Your Limits

The cartoon said it all. Beneath a picture of a frustrated young man was this caption: "God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I'm so far behind I will never die."

A Little Trouble

One of the most recognizable structures on the rural American landscape is the grain elevator. Some stand 15 stories high and stretch for blocks. Unfortunately, these storage bins are often susceptible to grain dust explosions. Some elevators blow up because microscopic dust particles suspended in the air suddenly ignite. According to one engineer, to get rid of the dust danger, "You would have to tear down half your elevator."